Installing sliding components

When first installing one of our sliding butt cups or adapters the internal locking plug may sometimes stop the part being slid onto the main tripod leg. 

Most of the time simply giving the part a gentle shake while inserting the leg and holding the latch open will resolve the issue but if not please see instructions below.

Step 1 - Lift the latch and locate the coloured internal plug. 

Using a thin implement eg. screwdriver, key, grip wire, baiting needle etc gently move the plug back into the "open" position as show below.

Keeping latch open so as not to close the plug the part should now easily slide onto the leg.

Please note that these parts are made with very tight tolerances and therefore they may be hard to slide along the angled leg on first installation. 

Please leave the part installed on on the tripod with the latch in the closed position overnight and the part should settle and slide easily. 

For any other questions please contact us